Engels : Nederlands shoplifter = winkeldief shoplifting = winkeldiefstal accomplice = medeplichtige notorious = berucht to accuse / to charge = beschuldigen to accuse of / to charge with = beschuldigen van accusation/charge = beschuldiging fraud = fraude involved in = betrokken bij file = dossier to file away = opbergen to reveal/to disclose = onthullen revelation = onthulling to mug = met geweld beroven drug trafficking = drugshandel prohibited/forbidden = verboden prohibition = verbod fugitive = voortvluchtige to loot = plunderen to establish = vaststellen to use force = geweld gebruiken to detect = opsporen rate = percentage to allege = beweren allegation = bewering capable of = in staat tot security/safety = veiligheid secure/safe = veilig