Engels : Nederlands This is [(un-)likely] to take very long. = (on-)waarschijnlijk He preferred to live [abroad]. = in ‘t buitenland We have [abundant] proof of his guilt. = overvloedig I don’t have [access] to that information. = toegang This collection of paintings is not [accessible] to the public. = toegankelijk This is a real [achievement]. = prestatie He devotes his time to the [acquisition] of knowledge. = verwerving This vase is his latest [acquisition]. = verwerving The [additional] charges were quite high. = toegevoegd He has only one [aim] in life - to make his fortune before he is fifty. = doel My [ancestor]s lived in this castle. = voorouders The manager received 20 [application]s for the position. = sollicitaties Not everybody was pleased with his [appointment]. = benoeming I can’t come, I have an [appointment] at five. = afspraak All the [approach]es to the Palace were guarded. = toegangswegen He used a different [approach] each time. = benadering He stood there in a threatening [attitude]. = houding There were no tickets [available] for Friday’s performance. = beschikbaar She didn’t realize their [awareness] of these problems. = bewustzijn We [barely] had time to catch the train. = nauwelijks / amper Who will accept this [challenge] = uitdaging There’s a fierce [competition] between those two firms. = concurrentie The [concept] that Christianity is superior to other religions has caused a lot of problems. = idee The people [concerned] were desperate. = waar ‘t om ging He gave a boring speech [concerning] the latest proposals. = over / betreft This is a [contemporary] record of events. = eigentijds (bijv.nmw.) He has shown nothing but [contempt] for the law until now. = minachting The [conviction] of the accused man surprised us. = veroordeling Do you always act up to your [conviction]s? = overtuigingen The RSPCA is the Royal Society for the preventionof [cruelty] to animals. = wreedheid To his relief the police revealed the [deception]. = bedrog The [decline] of the Roman Empire. = achteruitgang / verval She was a [descendant] of the Prince of Orange. = afstammeling The policeman could not [detect] any traces of burglary. = ontdekken The train is [due to] arrive at 4.30. = moet (bij afspraak) The accident was [due to] careless driving. = te wijten aan He lifted the big rock without [effort]. = inspanning he players failed in their [effort] to win the match. = poging The [emphasis] is on the first paragraph. = nadruk He carried a great variety of [equipment]. = uitrusting The iceman was better [equipped] than the men who found him. = uitgerust / toegerust There wasn’t enough [evidence] to prove him guilty. = bewijs(materiaal) It was [evident] that he spoke the truth. = duidelijk If you use cowdung the soil will become more [fertile]. = vruchtbaar We must be patient [for the sake of] peace. = omwille van He was a kind and [generous] man. = royaal He wasn’t hungry but just [greedy]. = gulzig / hebzuchtig I [hardly] know her. = nauwelijks / amper Smoking poses a [hazard] to your health. = gevaar Eventually the [hostage] was released. = gegijzelde He, [however], preferred to live abroad. = echter Shall I pay [in advance]? = vooruit She drove too fast; [in consequence] she had an accident = dus / zodoende He voted [in favour of] the plan. = ten gunste van He told me [incidentally] he was going abroad. = toevallig He will, [inevitably], find out about this. = onvermijdelijk This [inheritance] enabled me to buy a car. = erfenis They only interview [male] candidates today. = mannelijk That was a typically [masculine] thing to do. = mannelijke manier van doen An inch is a [measure] of length. = maat They took strong [measure]s against dangerous drivers. = maatregelen A writer of great [narrative] power. = ertellend This is an interesting [narrative]. = vertelling This man is very popular as a [narrator] of adventure stories. = verteller After the [negotiations] had been concluded, = onderhandelingen the [treaty] was signed. = verdrag I’m afraid I have no [option]. = keuze When his parents died, he became an [orphan]. = wees The firm (under-)[overestimate]d their clients’ loyalty, once their crimes had been exposed by the med = (onder-)overschatten Read the first [paragraph]. = alinea This painting is [particularly] beautiful. = bijzonder The [passion] of love can be very strong. = hartstocht The [passion] of Christ. = ‘t lijden This [phrase] is very well-chosen. = zin / uitdrukking Honesty is the best [policy]. = beleid The [preceding] years have been difficult. = voorafgaand Most people have a [prejudice] towards modern jazz. = vooroordeel He had seen her the [previous] day. = vorig Is there any [proof] that the accused was at the scene of the crime = bewijs This latest [proposal] would certainly be good for = both our economies. At that time people lived in great [prosperity]. = welvaart After the war he had a [prosperous] business. = welvarend / bloeiend His [qualifications] were inferior to hers. = [diploma’s] This shop sells cotton fabrics in a wide [range]. = reeks / rij / collectie He was always surrounded by [reliable] servants. = betrouwbaar To his [relief] the police revealed the deception. = opluchting What’s the [reward] for this? = beloning / prijs That man was very [rude] to me. = grof / bot I [scarcely] knew what to to. = nauwelijks, amper ... We really need to broaden the [scope] of our songs ... = ... omvang/ [strekking] ... That is the only [sensible] thing I’ve heard you say today. = verstandig This [sentence] is grammatically incorrect. = zin The judge passed a [sentence] of three years’ imprisonment. = straf He instructed us to dress [similarly]. = gelijk / net zo Learning a foreign language is a question of learning new [skill]s. = vaardigheden There is a great demand for [skilled] workmen. = geschoold He is not very [skillful] with his chopsticks. = vaardig Where does the Rhine have its [source]? = bron The news comes from a reliable [source]. = bron First he wanted to make a [statement]. = verklaring / bewering Will ten pounds be [sufficient] for the expenses of your journey = voldoende ...She aimed at the [target]. ... = ... [doel] ... Business is showing a [tendency] to improve. = neiging This is [the last but one] puppy from the nest. = de een na laatste He uttered some [threat]s against me. = dreigementen She had [to alter] that dress. = veranderen It wasn’t easy for him [to express] his feelings. = uitdrukken Your complexion is wonderful. Don’t try [to improve] upon nature. = verbeteren This [inheritance] enabled me to buy a car. = erfenis I would like [to inquire] of you the reason for this behaviour. = vragen / informeren (naar) Don’t become [involved]! = erbij betrokken She forgot [to mention] her name. = vermelden / noemen This will be difficult [to prove]. = bewijzen You will fail [unless] you work harder. = tenzij This list will be of great [value] to you. = waarde Does that price include [VAT]? = BTW The [villain] of the play was caught in the end. = schurk The room was [virtually] dark. = nagenoeg Are these lessons [voluntary]? = vrijwillig Some people are quite [vulnerable] to criticism. = wetsbaar Some people like fat meat, [whereas] others hate it. = terwijl / daarentegen I don’t agree [with regard to] your remark about this issue. = wat betreft I can’t tell you anything [with respect to] that subject. = wat betreft In my [youth] I was very unhappy. = jeugd A couple of [youths] were standing at the corner. = jongelui These clothes are [(un)suitable] for cold weather. = (on)geschikt He read a [quotation] from Shakespeare. = citaat The schoolbuilding wasn’t big enough to [accommodate] all the students. = onderbrengen Smoking [affects] the heart and lungs. = [beïnvloeden] He needs that [amount] of money to survive. = hoeveelheid Are these subjects [compulsory]? = verplicht The study [demonstrate]d a direct link between being too fat and being unhealthy. = aantonen If you use [fertilizer], your plants will grow better. = kunstmest