Engels : Nederlands grown-up / [adult] = volwassene The old man must have reached the [age] of 80 years. = De oude man moet de [leeftijd] hebben bereikt van 80 jaar. My [aunt] is the sister of my mother. = Mijn [tante] is de zus van mijn moeder. now I can spend more time with my beloved [boyfriend] = vriend Valentina is Vera and Mikhail's [daughter]. = dochter My parents are [divorced]. = Mijn ouders zijn [gescheiden] ... She's not his [girlfriend], she's his sister. = vriendin Take care of my [granddaughter]. = kleindochter The two people in the centre are my [grandparent]s. = grootouder The great-[grandson] of King Kong maybe. = kleinzoon After the wedding, they spent their [honeymoon] in Italy. = huwelijksreis any more songs [like] this, = (zo)als [Mr] Ward is a teacher. = meneer Actually, I came to see your husband, [Mrs]. Mulwray. = mevrouw When his parents died, he became an [orphan]. = wees He could relate to the position of the [parent]. = Hij kon zich verplaatsen in de positie van de [ouder]. My [son] is everything to me. = Mijn [zoon] is alles voor me. | They [call] me the Seeker || = noemen Will you [marry] me? = trouwen I want you to help me [take] my revenge. = [Nemen] My cousins are [twins]. = Mijn neefjes zijn een [tweeling]. My [uncle] is the brother of my father. = Mijn [oom] is de broer van mijn vader. A friend's [wedding]. = trouwerij I'm married. I have a [wife]. = vrouw / echtgenoot 'Cause baby you're not [alone] = alleen