Engels : Nederlands Usain Bolt won 3 gold [medal]s in Beijing. = medaille to go in for sports = aan sport doen athletics = atletiek athlete = atleet ice rink = ijsbaan popular = populair indoor = overdekt association = bond tennis court = tennisbaan to reach = bereiken dope = doping to perform = presteren achievement / [performance] = prestatie to disqualify = diskwalificeren facilities = faciliteiten prize = prijs to eliminate = uitschakelen artificial = kunstmatig to exchange = ruilen, uitwisselen league = competitie committee = commissie facility = voorziening, faciliteit to fail = verzuimen to become = worden [peak] / summit = top injury time = blessuretijd partial = partijdig impartial = onpartijdig pitch = veld endurance / [stamina] = uithoudingsvermogen [endurance] / stamina = uithoudingsvermogen