Engels : Nederlands Would you like to go to the [cinema] with me? = Wil je naar de [bioscoop] met me? screen = scherm cast = rolbezetting interval = pauze available = beschikbaar sold out = uitverkocht magnificent / [splendid] = schitterend [magnificent] / splendid = schitterend theatre = schouwburg, theater She was the star in the [play]. = Ze was de ster in het [toneelstuk]. actor = toneelspeler, acteur actress = toneelspeelster, actrice stage = toneel, podium spotlight = schijnwerper part = rol ... and threw a big [party] for all his friends. = ... en gaf een groot [feest] voor al zijn vrienden. to promise = beloven promise = belofte to regret = betreuren it's a pity = wat jammer trick = [truc] / streek conjurer = goochelaar magic = toverkracht score = twintigtal to shriek = gillen hardly ... when = nauwelijks ... of