Engels : Nederlands between = tussen flat (tyre) = lek fun = leuk per = per person = de persoon should = zou moeten something = iets the appointment = de afspraak the confirmation = de bevestiging the daughter = de dochter the dentist = de tandarts the details = de details the ear = de oor the fee = het tarief the flood = de overstroming the flu = de griep the form = het formulier the location = de locatie the meeting = de vergardering the mistake = de fout the mix-up = de verwarring the package = het pakket the plan = de plan the post = de post the programme = het programma the question = de vraag the room = de kamer the toothache = de kiespijn the tyre = de band the weekend = het weekend to arrange = regelen to babysit = oppassen to book = boeken to check = nakijken to confirm = bevestigen to join = meedoen to make = maken to miss = missen to send = verzenden to suggest = aanraden urgent = dringend