
Controleer altijd of een woordenlijst correct is voordat je hem gaat leren.

  • Engels Nederlands
  • Acupuncture = acupunctuur
  • Acupuncture involves inserting fine needles into the body to heal pain and illness.


  • Alternative medicine = alternatieve geneeskunde
  • Alternative medicine is thousands of years older than modern medicine.

    alternatieve geneeskunde

  • aspirin = aspirine
  • If you have a headache, you should take an aspirin.


  • at best = in het gunstigste geval
  • Much so-called alternative medicine is at best harmless and at worst dangerous.

    in het gunstigste geval

  • at worst = in het ergste geval
  • Much so-called alternative medicine is at best harmless and at worst dangerous.

    in het ergste geval

  • calm = kalm
  • I pretended to be calm although I couldn't help feeling worried.


  • claim = bewering
  • Independent scientists want to see proof of the claims for alternative medicine.


  • critic = criticus
  • Supporters of alternative medicine say its critics are influenced by pharmaceutical companies.


  • dangerous = gevaarlijk
  • Much so-called alternative medicine is at best harmless and at worst dangerous.


  • drug = medicijn
  • The first synthetic drug, aspirin, only dates from 1899.


  • evidence = aanwijzing / bewijs
  • There is evidence that when the media report direct action politicians listen.

    aanwijzing / bewijs

  • experiment = experiment
  • The experiment tells us that when people expect to get better, they often do.


  • fake = nep- / schijn-
  • One group of patients had normal operations; the other had fake operations.

    nep- / schijn-

  • fault = schuld
  • Herbal medicine didn't stop my father smoking but that's probably his fault.


  • fine = fijn / delicaat
  • Acupuncture involves inserting fine needles into the body.

    fijn / delicaat

  • general anaesthetic = algehele verdoving
  • A young Chinese woman had open-heart surgery without a general anaesthetic.

    algehele verdoving

  • harmless = onschadelijk
  • Much so-called alternative medicine is at best harmless and at worst dangerous.


  • Herbal = kruiden-
  • Herbal medicine involves treating illness and pain with natural remedies.


  • Herbalists = kruidendokter
  • Herbalists treat pain and illnesses with natural remedies.


  • illness = ziekte
  • He had a serious illness and needed to have an operation.


  • Independent = onafhankelijk
  • Independent scientists are not influenced by anyone else.


  • individual = individu
  • Herbalists spend time with patients and treat them as individuals.


  • insert = inbrengen
  • Acupuncture involves inserting fine needles into the body.


  • issue = onderwerp
  • If we feel strongly about an issue, we should make our case with the elected representatives.


  • nervous = zenuwachtig
  • All footballers get nervous before a match.


  • open-heart surgery = openhartoperatie / -chirurgie
  • A young Chinese woman had open-heart surgery without a general anaesthetic.

    openhartoperatie / -chirurgie

  • operation = operatie
  • One group of patients had normal knee operations; the other had fake knee operations.


  • pain = pijn
  • Acupuncture can often help people with back pain.


  • patient = patiënt
  • Herbalists treat their patients as individuals.


  • Pharmaceutical = farmaceutisch
  • Pharmaceutical companies make and sell medicine.


  • placebo effect = placebo-effect
  • The placebo effect is when an ill person gets better without receiving 'real' treatment.


  • point = punt / plaats
  • Fine needles are inserted at selected points in the body.

    punt / plaats

  • positive = positief
  • Both groups had the same positive results from their operations.


  • prepared = bereid zijn
  • Herbalists are prepared to spend more time with patients than modern doctors.

    bereid zijn

  • profitable = winstgevend
  • Pharmaceutical companies are worried about losing sales of their very profitable drugs.


  • proof = bewijs
  • Experts want to see proof from scientific tests.


  • question = in twijfel trekken
  • Scientists question whether there is proper research evidence for the claims.

    in twijfel trekken

  • reaction = reactie
  • The needles appear to change the brain's reaction to pain.


  • remedies = geneesmiddel
  • Herbalists treat pain and illnesses with natural remedies.


  • risk = wagen / riskeren
  • I wouldn't risk going to an all-night party without telling my parents.

    wagen / riskeren

  • sale = verkoop
  • Pharmaceutical companies are worried about losing sales of their very profitable drugs.


  • selected = bepaald
  • Fine needles are inserted at selected points in the body.


  • session = sessie
  • I was worried about going for my first acupuncture session.


  • simply = eenvoudig
  • What the experiment tells us is simply this: when people expect to get better, they often do.


  • so-called = zogeheten
  • Much so-called alternative medicine is at best harmless and at worst dangerous.


  • Supporter = voorstander / aanhanger
  • Supporters of alternative medicine say its critics are influenced by pharmaceutical companies.

    voorstander / aanhanger

  • surgeon = chirurg
  • The surgeon cut the knee open and then closed it again.


  • synthetic = synthetisch
  • The first synthetic drug, aspirin, only dates from 1899.


  • trial = experiment / onderzoek
  • A major medical trial compared the reactions of patients to real and fake operations.

    experiment / onderzoek