
Controleer altijd of een woordenlijst correct is voordat je hem gaat leren.

  • Engels Nederlands
  • advance = vooruitgang
  • Craig Cormick believes people will live until 120 thanks to advances in medicine.


  • carry out = uitvoeren
  • We can already carry out operations to put genes into rabbits and fish.


  • executive = leidinggevende
  • A Decca records executive missed out on signing the Beatles.


  • function = functie
  • We'll be wearing gadgets combining the functions of a phone, camera, MP3 player and computer.


  • glow = gloeien
  • We can already put genes into rabbits and fish to make them glow in the dark!


  • halt = een halt toeroepen
  • We won't halt global warming until we stop flying everywhere.

    een halt toeroepen

  • hoax = bedrog / hoax / schertsvertoning
  • A hoax is a trick to make you believe something that isn't true.

    bedrog / hoax / schertsvertoning

  • household = huishoudelijk
  • In the home, household equipment will have improved.


  • indication = indicatie / aanwijzing
  • Einstein said there was not the slightest indication that nuclear energy would ever be obtainable.

    indicatie / aanwijzing

  • keyless = zonder sleutel
  • We may have keyless electric cars in the future that we can talk to.

    zonder sleutel

  • life expectancy = levensverwachting
  • One expert thinks that human life expectancy in the future will be 120 years.


  • microchip = microchip
  • A microchip is a very small device that makes a computer work.


  • miss = mislopen
  • The Decca Records executive missed out on signing the Beatles.


  • nuclear energy = kernenergie
  • Einstein said there was not the slightest indication that nuclear energy would ever be obtainable.


  • obtainable = bereikbaar
  • In 1932 Einstein said that nuclear energy would never be obtainable!


  • perfectly = zeer wel
  • It will be perfectly possible to create a designer dog!

    zeer wel

  • point = wijzen op
  • If you point something out to someone, you tell them something they should know.

    wijzen op

  • pulse rate = pols
  • Your pulse rate is the number of heart beats you can feel in a minute.


  • researcher = onderzoeker
  • Nearly all researchers agree that wireless technology will have developed.


  • retire = met pensioen gaan
  • In Europe, many people will have to retire from work at a later age.

    met pensioen gaan

  • retirement = pensionering
  • Do you think later retirement for people is a good idea?


  • slight = minst
  • There is not the slightest indication that nuclear energy will be obtainable.


  • technology = techniek
  • Nearly all researchers agree that wireless technology will have developed.


  • vaccine = vaccin
  • We'll be growing crops with vaccines in them to prevent health problems.


  • wipe out = uitroeien
  • We may be able to wipe out disease by eating a banana.


  • wireless = draadloos
  • Nearly all researchers agree that wireless technology will have developed.


  • wristwatch = polshorloge
  • Instead of wristwatches we'll be wearing multi-function gadgets.
