
Controleer altijd of een woordenlijst correct is voordat je hem gaat leren.

  • Engels Nederlands
  • as far as I'm concerned = wat mij betreft
  • Be true to yourself – that's all that matters, as far as I'm concerned.

    wat mij betreft

  • cash = geld / contact geld / contanten
  • I worked during my gap year so I've saved up some cash for when I go to university next year.

    geld / contact geld / contanten

  • chord = akkoord
  • She practises a lot – playing chords and finger picking.


  • couple = een paar
  • He let me sing a couple of songs with him.

    een paar

  • drove me mad = iemand gek maken
  • My parents were really strict, it drove me mad sometimes!

    iemand gek maken

  • finger pick = tokkelen
  • She practises a lot – playing chords and finger picking.


  • gig = gig / optreden
  • I started playing at gigs but it was always someone else's music.

    gig / optreden

  • gimmick = kunst-en vliegwerk / foefje
  • Her music is so good that she doesn't need any gimmicks to help sell it.

    kunst-en vliegwerk / foefje

  • hum = neuriën
  • I hummed the tune and tried to fit some words to it.


  • influence = invloed
  • Who are you strongest musical influences?


  • You should listen = dat mag je zelf weten
  • You should listen to other people, but in the end, it's up to you.

    dat mag je zelf weten

  • lyrics = tekst
  • Sometimes the lyrics come first, and sometimes it's the music.


  • practice makes perfect = oefening baart kunst
  • Then I practised round the clock, – well, practice makes perfect, as they say.

    oefening baart kunst

  • round the clock = het klokje rond
  • Then I practised round the clock, – well, practice makes perfect, as they say.

    het klokje rond

  • songwriter = liedjesschrijver / songwriter
  • Kezza always knew she wanted to be a songwriter.

    liedjesschrijver / songwriter

  • take shape = vorm krijgen
  • You can't make a song happen – you have to let it take shape.

    vorm krijgen

  • tune = wijs / melodie
  • I hummed the tune and tried to fit some words to it.

    wijs / melodie